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Learn real-world cyber risk management and governance skills from renowned industry leaders
Whether you’re a business executive, corporate director, senior risk management or assurance professional, business owner or manager, this program will solidify your understanding of cyber risk, and empower you with the frameworks and structures to think through the impact of cyber risk on your business, and actively engage in cyber risk decisions.
Winner of multiple industry awards, including ISACA International’s 2017 Best Book / Article Award SACA’s for his paper, “The Automation Conundrum.”
Featured in multiple channels and publications (ISACA International Magazine, The NZ Business Herald, IT News, The Australian).
Named as one of the Top 7 Global Cyber Security Leaders in 2023 by the Security Magazine and ISACA.
Darren Argyle FCIIS
Chairman and Co-Founder
Ranked in the Top 100 Chief Information Security Officers globally in 2017 and 2022, and the top 100 Global IT Security Influencers in 2018
Global Head Information and Cyber Security Officer – Standard Chartered Bank. Former CISO of Qantas Airlines.
Board member, keynote speaker with over 20 years’ experience in executive positions.
Jan Schreuder
COO and Co-Founder
Former senior Cybersecurity Partner with a Big 4 firm in Australia and Switzerland for more than 25 years.
Over 35 years consulting experience, managing large teams to deliver complex cyber transformational projects.
Advisor to several companies, working with senior executives and boards of directors.
Named in the IFSEC Top 25 Most Influential Global Cyber Security Professionals in 2022.
As featured on...
Are you a business executive, corporate director, senior risk management professional or business owner involved in making crucial cybersecurity decisions, but find the subject too complicated?
The Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders Pathway has been designed to help non-technical business leaders accelerate their cyber strategy design and governance skills. The series of short and intensive tutorials goes beyond the fundamentals of cyber resilience, equipping you with practical skills to actively participate in cyber resilience strategy design, as well as exercise your cyber-risk governance responsibilities. Modelled around our bestselling book, The Five Anchors of Cyber Resilience, this program uses practical case studies to articulate cyber risk in relatable business language.
Enterprise licenses are also available if you would like multiple people from your organization to enroll in the Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders Pathway. If you would like multiple people to attend, please click on the Enquire Now button and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your requirements.
By zooming in on five most critical cyber resilience domains, you will be able to accelerate your learning process while not being distracted from your other executive responsibilities.
The program offers three distinct benefits:
An intensive and modularized online program that you can complete at your own pace
After training and educating 1,000s of cyber security professionals and executives in more than 35 countries through our books and courses, we are confident you are going to love our course and gain the skills, confidence and relationships you need to take your career to the next level. If you aren't deeply satisfied with the first 7 days of our industry-leading course, simply let us know and we'll give you a full refund.
Upon successful completion of the Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders Pathway, you will receive a Credly digital badge which you can use in email signatures and digital resumes and on social media sites such as LinkedIn to easily communicate your credentials.
What kind of professional should enroll in the program?
We have designed the Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders Pathway for business executives, corporate director, senior risk management or assurance professionals, and business owner or managers who want to deepen their understanding of cyber risk and exercise their cyber risk governance responsibilities.
What experience is required?
No technical cybersecurity skills are required to enter the course.
Our headquarters is located right in the heart of the central business district in Sydney, Australia, where Phil Zongo and Jan Schreuder currently reside.
Our chairman Darren Argyle, originally from the United Kingdom, lives in Singapore, where he works as the Global Chief Information Security Risk Officer at Standard Chartered Bank.
Can my employer pay for the course?
Yes — some attendees formally request their employers to fund their participation in the CRBL. You however must familiarize yourself with your company employee training policy in this regard.
Are the program fees tax deductible?
Whether the program fees are tax deductible will depend on the tax legislation in your country and your personal circumstances. In some countries a tax deduction may be available for some or all of the program fees, for example in Australia self-education expenses may be deductible if the education has a sufficient connection to your current employment. We recommend that you speak to your tax accountant or advisor to determine whether a tax deduction will be available.
What are my payment options / when do I have to pay?
Full payment — via credit card or bank transfer — must be received before having access to the course materials.
How long is the program?
The learning content is self-paced, and we have carefully designed it to fit your busy schedule. The course consists of 2 hours and 30 minutes of video content which can be consumed at your own pace.
How do you deliver the program?
We have designed the Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders for busy professionals. All learning happens online so that you can watch the pre-recorded modules in your own time, at your own pace. Modules are downloadable as audio, or transcript.
Will there be any Zoom calls with my cohort?
No — We encourage participants to join the Cyber Leadership Institute as a member and take advantage of the Cyber Leadership Hub — a place to co-create, share ideas and ask pressing questions with cyber professionals.
What is the Cyber Leadership Hub?
The Cyber Leadership Hub is a global community of cyber leaders leading their organizations to cyber resilience.
The Hub is jam-packed with essential and high-quality toolkits to help you fast-track cyber resilience and accelerate your career.
How do I join the Cyber Leadership Institute?
To join the Cyber Leadership Institute, simply click here, choose your membership, and gain instant access.
How can I connect with class members?
We encourage participants to make the most of their Cyber Leadership Institute membership and take advantage of the Cyber Leadership Hub — a place to co-create, share ideas and ask pressing questions with cyber professionals. Learn more here.
The course will be delivered via an online e-learning platform accessible from your desktop or mobile device, wherever you are. Once you have successfully registered, you will receive instructions on how to access the content.
How long will I have access to the materials?
Upon registration, you will have continued full access to the program content (online lectures and transcripts) for 12 months.
How will people know I’ve completed the program?
Once you have fulfilled the CRBL requirements, you will receive a Credly digital badge that you can use to showcase your solid grasp the course material on LinkedIn or other platforms that matter to you. Credly, trusted by several large global brands, hosts the largest and most connected digital credential network.
Participants must undertake an exam after completion of the CRBL Pathway video modules. The exam consists of 10 multiple choice questions and participants must answer at least 80% of the questions correctly to demonstrate sound understanding and earn their Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders digital badge.
What if, in week 1, I decide the program is not right for me?
If you aren't deeply satisfied with the first 7 days of our industry-leading course, simply let us know, and we'll give you a full refund.
Tell me about the registration process/costs — how do I get my name added to the list?
For more information regarding the Cyber Resilience for Business Leaders, please download our course prospectus.
Click here today to speak to one of our enrolment officers, and we can secure your spot.
Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
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